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50+ Celebration Ideas for 2018

by | Jan 8, 2018 | Celebrate Fun, Inspiration, Printables

Happy New Year friends!  I’m only like eight days behind the power curve (face palm).  I hope you and your family had a great Christmas season.

This New Year has started off pretty slow for us.  We’ve been out of our routine since pre-school wasn’t in session.  With all the parties and groups of people we’ve been around, both kids are sick now too.  Including a hospital stay for one of them.  We’ve been cooped up inside under a mountain of tissues trying to get them better.  I should just know to mark January off as a month of sickness.  This is the second year in a row.

Plus, I haven’t gotten my new planner yet, which basically means the year hasn’t officially started haha! So with all of that I haven’t felt the rush to start this year running out of the gate.

Even moving slowly, I know that this year is going to be full of celebrations, and many of them the last for us, for awhile anyway.  More on that later.

I wanted to give you a jumpstart on planning what to celebrate this year, so I put together a list full of ideas for you.  There are lots of holidays to celebrate, life milestones, and accomplishments.  The most important thing though is to take the time to recognize the occasion and share it with others.

What will that look like for you in 2018?  Will you have people over to your house more to celebrate?  Will you organize a celebration for someone else that deserves it?  Or will you step out of your comfort zone and celebrate one of your own big accomplishments?  Whatever the occasion, there is always a reason to celebrate and have a party.

Feel free to download this list and place it somewhere handy.  Check off the things you celebrate throughout the year as a reminder of all the fun times you’ve had.  Or use it to look ahead and see what things you may want to celebrate in the future.  Just click on the picture below to download.

50 celebrations in 2018, how to celebrate in 2018, celebrations throughout the year

This year on the blog I’m hoping to give you more party inspiration, hosting tips, and great party recipes.  I’m also wanting to try some new things, like working with other bloggers and influencers, creating products for my readers, and teaching classes.  What’s something you’d like to see more of?

This blog has been fun to work on over the last couple of years, but I’m ready to scale this thing and make it bigger, bolder, and better for you!

My wish for you this year is the typical health and happiness, but also a year full of memories made celebrating!  Happy 2018!





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I'm Amy, the Hostess here at The Daily Hostess and I want to encourage you to build community and connection through hosting in your home.  Click below to learn more!

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