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10 Ways to Make Hosting Easier in 2018

by | Jan 11, 2018 | Party Planning, Simple Celebrations

Hey friends!  Like I said in my last post, this New Year has started off quite slow.  Along with slowness, it always feels nice for things to be easier, right?  One way I’m making things easier is by saying no to various things this year.  You can see the full list here.

But to help you all, I’ve put together a quick list of ways to make hosting so much easier this year.  After being rushed and a bit frantic before several of our last parties, you can bet that I’ll be using some of these tips all year long.

how to make hosting easier in 2018, easy hosting tips, easy party tips, signature drink ice mold, party punch ice mold, bundt cake ice mold

How to Make Hosting Easier in 2018

1. Have a party decorating tool belt

Having all of your party decorating tools handy makes getting ready for a party a breeze.  I use this chef’s tool belt to pack away scissors, tape, twine, and other goodies that help to hang decor quickly before a party.

2. Only do a quick five minute clean up before people come over

Focusing just on the areas where your guests will be keeps the pre-party cleaning to a minimum.  I promise you can clean the main areas of your house in about 5 minutes with this checklist.

3. Have your pantry stocked to always be able to throw a party

Soon, I’ll be showing you how to have your pantry stocked to be able to throw a last minute party.  Stay tuned for that!  But the basic idea is to have a few food items to be able to make a quick appetizer or dinner.  And keeping your most used party gear handy.

4. Streamline serving ware by only using white dishes

Make hosting any party, any time of the year easier by streamlining your serving ware.  If you invest in simple white servingware and dishes you’ll be able to throw any kind of party.  No need  to buy serving ware for every different occasion this way!

5. Use decor you already have to decorate for your party

Along the same lines as streamlined serving ware, using what you already have as home decor cuts down on all that one time use party decor.  So, using things like tables from around the house, various holiday decor that fits your party’s theme, or use artwork from other parts of you house as a party backdrop.

Click here to see how to use home decor as party decor. Decorate a party with what you have.6. Ask the floral department at the grocery store to arrange flowers for you

how to make hosting easier in 2018, easy hosting tips, easy party tips, signature drink ice mold, party punch ice mold, bundt cake ice moldThis is a great tip if you’re pressed for time, but want to include flowers for your party.  Pick a bouquet of flowers and ask the floral department at your grocery store to arrange them for you while you shop for party food.  Most grocery stores are more than willing to do this for you.  It’s one less thing you’ll have to do once you get home.

7. Use easy to put together food

Party food is sometimes overwhelming for some, so I suggest just doing really easy party food.  My go to easy party food ideas are frozen appetizers from Costco, ready made cheese trays from the grocery store, or precut veggie and fruit trays.

8. Decorate one area to create a party focal point

Only decorate one party area.  It’s less to buy, less to hang up, and less to take down.  Plus, it creates a really nice party focal point.  Try a photo booth backdrop or a dessert table background as a focal point.  Use this area to include your color scheme and party theme.

9. Have one signature drink

how to make hosting easier in 2018, easy hosting tips, easy party tips, signature drink ice mold, party punch ice mold, bundt cake ice moldLimiting the options of beverages you offer at your party cuts down on how much money you’ll spend, how much work you need before the party, and how much clean up is to be done after the party.  It’s always a good idea to have water available to your guests, but if you are wanting an alcoholic option, try serving just one type of drink instead of a full selection of beer, wine, liquor and all the mixers.  A seasonal cocktail or punch is a great idea.

10. Keep the guest list limited

I mean when two or more gather it’s still a party right? Jesus even said that when two or more gather in my name I am with them.  Less people makes party hosting a lot easier.  It’s great to have a big party occasionally, but having fewer people attend means less food, drinks, and less clean up.

I hope this list encourages you to keep hosting simple and easy this year so you are more inclined to open your door and celebrate with others.

Do you have any special tips and tricks to make hosting easier?  If so, share them in the comments, I’d love to hear them!





  1. Pantry Checklist for Hosting with FREE Printable - The Daily Hostess - […] hosting in the New Year?  I’ve given you lots of ideas of how to celebrate this year and 10 ways…

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I'm Amy, the Hostess here at The Daily Hostess and I want to encourage you to build community and connection through hosting in your home.  Click below to learn more!

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