Every time I post to my blog, my Grandma emails me and says that she’s read it and she just doesn’t know how I do all of it. So today, I’m going to show her and you how.
I documented pretty much everything I did this past Wednesday. It was interesting because as I would write things down I realized I do quite a lot throughout the day. However, I wasn’t the greatest at taking pictures of it all, so you’ll have to use your imagination to fill in the gaps.
6:00-Wake up, even though I set my alarm for 5:30, oops! My husband is usually up around 5 or 5:30 so I typically get up around the same time.
6:15-8:00-I use the early mornings to work on blog posts, my Rodan + Fields business, read emails, and check social media.
Here’s my view while working. The trusty baby monitor always lets me know when I have to be done working.
8:00-8:10-I spent this time getting ready, making the bed, and taking the time to use my face wash system. I really do enjoy taking a few minutes to wash my face everyday, and the results of doing so aren’t bad either.
8:10-I had to wake up my daughter on this day. She usually wakes up between 7:00 and 8:00, but sometimes needs a little help getting up. I’m pretty sure the teenage years are going to be difficult because she already rolls over and covers her head with a blanket anytime I have to wake her up.
8:30-9:00-After getting my daughter ready I made breakfast. While she eats, I usually use the time to pick up anything in the living room, do dishes, and get our bags ready for whatever we have planned for the day.
8:35-Confessions of a Potty Training Mom: my daughter decided that she didn’t need to go to the bathroom after waking up, so I spent several minutes cleaning up a pee puddle, and large pee spot on my upholstered dining room chair. Then cleaning up a toddler and changing her clothes that I had literally just put her in. Do the accidents ever stop?
9:00ish-We left for library story time
This is my “mom uniform,” shorts, flip-flops, a casual t-shirt, and my Origami Owl wrap watch. Get yours from my really good friend, here.
9:30-10:30- The libraries near us to very frequent story times, which is great. Plus, some libraries have really cool play areas. We try to go at least once a week.
11:00-12:00-After story time we had a few things to pick up at Ikea. It’s a great place to get things for your home, but it’s also a great place to let your kids run around and play a little bit. They have a great kids area, and several play spots throughout the store. We had to get a laundry drying rack and replace a broken picture frame. We’re slowly getting our house organized and focused on the garage and laundry room right now. Things look pretty good on the surface, but please don’t check under my sinks or in our closets. It’s chaos there!
12:00-12:30-We had lunch at Ikea also, because their cafe has some pretty good food. And kids eat free!
1:45-We left around 12:45, drove home, and unpacked our bags. Around 1:45 is my favorite time of day….nap time! My daughter typically naps around 1:30-2:00 for about two hours. Nap time is really when I can get a lot of things done without much interruption.
1:45-4:00-While she was napping I worked on blog to-dos, Rodan + Fields things, and starting making preparations for some upcoming travel next week.
4:00-Around 4:00 my daughter woke up from her nap.
4:00-5:15-After my daughter’s nap, I had her to help me clean around the house. We had some friends coming into town this night and staying with us, so I wanted to pick things up a bit. I let my daughter help me clean by allowing her to spray the spray bottles of cleaner. Don’t worry, we use homemade cleaners that are pretty safe. She sprays our all-purpose cleaner (a recipe of 50/50 Dawn dish soap and vinegar) into the shower and tub, and our homemade glass cleaner (a recipe of 50/50 vinegar and water) onto my cleaning rag. Getting my daughter involved allows me to actually get some things cleaned and I hope teaches her how to keep things tidy. I also vacuumed, took trash out, and refreshed linens for overnight guests. To see what I do when we have overnight guests, check out this post.
5:30- After cleaning the house, I started making dinner. Dinner on this day was all about balance. We had sloppy joes (not the healthiest, but one of my daughter’s favorite foods), but I paired it with a kale and artichoke salad. I first had the kale and artichoke salad at a brunch buffet on Father’s Day, it was so good I wanted to recreate it at home.
6:00-My husband got home a little later from work on this day, but got home right before dinner. We typically try to eat around 6:00 most nights.
6:30-We cleaned up from dinner.
6:30-8:30- We were feeling quite productive after dinner and did a bunch of things around the house. We took trash out to the curb, cleaned out our truck and switched the car seat back to my car, watered flowers, then played a game inside of Seek-A-Boo. My daughter enjoys putting all of the game pieces out across our floor and finding all the different items.
8:30-Our friends arrived and we spent quite a while chatting with them while our kids played together. They are moving to the area and I foresee a lot of play dates in the future.
9:30- After wearing the kids out it was finally bed time for our tired little toddler. She normally goes to bed around 8:30, but it was just too fun playing with new friends.
9:30-10:30-After my daughter was in bed, I spent about an hour following up with Rodan + Fields customers via text, email, and facebook. I love that I can work this business in short time periods throughout the day.
10:30-Bedtime! I am the worst about going to bed at a decent hour, but my goal is always 10:30. I rarely make it. I felt so much less tired the next day after going to bed at a reasonable hour. I really need to do it more often.
So that was my day, it was fairly typical, and I kind of enjoyed documenting all of it. I’m sure you’d feel really productive if you took an inventory of everything you did at the end of the day. Give it a try, you’ll be surprised at all that you do!
Have a great weekend, and don’t forget that today Rodan + Fields Prescription for Change® Foundation will donate $5 to our nonprofit partner buildOn —helping to provide students with positive afterschool opportunities in safe, encouraging environments. Just take a make-up free selfie and post it to social media with the hashtag #rfgonaked. Let’s raise some serious money for these students!
I really enjoyed this post. I love a little slice-of-life! Your day was super productive… I am impressed. I am happy if I get a single load of laundry in or actually do the dishes.
Thanks! I did feel pretty productive, not every day is like that though.
Loved this post, Amy! And by the way, I would have sent a selfie, but I don’t own a phone and don’t know how to post pictures!! But I did think about it!
Thanks! Glad you liked the post!
LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEE THIS!!! First noticed the watch then noticed our matching mom-iforms thennnnn the link to my page!! xo
Anything for you! Mom-iforms….do they ever get better?