Recently my sister-in-law and I were discussing how we can’t leave Marshall’s, Homegoods, or TJMaxx without picking up a roll or two of wrapping paper. Shockingly though, I left TJMaxx last week without grabbing any. I think hell may have frozen over, but I’m pretty sure it’s because most of my Christmas wrapping is already done. Have you started yours yet? If not, I’ve got a great post today sharing some wrapping paper resources.
If you need ideas on where to buy wrapping paper or inspiration on how to wrap just keep reading below!
This set of packages is wrapped with Target Dollar Spot wrapping paper and yard sale ribbon. Target Dollar Spot has great seasonal options for wrapping paper and they are usually only a dollar or two. Plus, they are a great size for wrapping smaller items, so you don’t feel like you’re wasting a ton of wrapping paper.
I have to thank my husband for most of my ribbon stash. He channels his inner old man on Saturday mornings and we usually go yard sale-ing, but we find great deals on ribbon. I typically find brand new rolls for only a few cents. Once yard sale season rolls around again, I highly suggest looking for Christmas wrapping goodies.
This package is again adorned with yard sale ribbon, and the paper was found at Hobby Lobby on super sale at the end of the Christmas season last year. Even if you can’t find any wrapping paper on sale at Hobby Lobby, you can usually Google a 40-50% off coupon. The bonus about getting wrapping paper at Hobby Lobby is that the paper is very thick and typically has a million yards on each roll.
This third package is wrapped in some music note wrapping paper I’ve had for awhile (and can’t remember where I purchased it) and baker’s twine. Baker’s twine is a great alternative to ribbon because you can get a huge roll of it fairly inexpensively. Plus, you can use it as it’s intended when you’re baking as well.
Here are all of our packages wrapped up in ribbons and bows under the tree ready to be torn open on Christmas morning!
Where do you buy your wrapping paper? Have you even started wrapping everything yet? Do you still have shopping to do?
That is really interesting that yard sales have so much ribbon! It would have never occurred to me.
I do love TJ Maxx for gift wrap. It’s cute without breaking the bank.
Estate sales are even better because basically the whole house is up for grabs. Yep, I love the Marshall’s $2.99 wrapping paper rolls.
Interesting that you wanted to get your pictures taken for this post before the gifts that I wrapped were ready! I have no idea why you wouldn’t want to highlight any of them!
It was just coincidence really, but yours actually turned out really good. I was impressed.
I need to step up my wrapping paper variety game. I use the same roll until its done and then move onto another roll. I should just rotate. Its was more fancy under the tree!!
Yeah I like a little variety, but being monochrome can look cool too!
Don’t forget the after-Christmas clearance sales! Best time to buy gift wrap paper and ribbon at about 50%-75% off. ?
Definitely! I bought a massive roll of wrapping paper after Christmas last year for next to nothing. Pretty sure it will last me several years!