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This week, I’m interviewing Dawn Benson, who is an author and travel coach for women going through major life transitions.

Her wisdom comes from firsthand experience of going through a big change and using travel to help her through the transition.  Many of the things she shares with us are applicable to anyone in a military lifestyle with numerous transitions throughout their life and career.

Take a listen, and hopefully it inspires you to take a trip or find a way to discover more about yourself through travel.


Links You’ll Need

Find more from Dawn and join her coaching program or go on her retreat by checking out her website here.

Bingeing Segment

I have recently discovered wet floral foam to make floral arrangements, and it totally takes your arrangement from amateur to pro so easily.  Get some here!


Don’t Forget!

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You can follow along for behind-the-scenes podcast content @thedailyhostess on Instagram.