I had an amazing follower on Instagram ask a great question in my DM’s, and this week I’m answering her dilemma on the podcast.

If you’ve ever wanted to host a recurring party each week or month, I dive into the best ways to do it on this episode. If you want to have an open house-style party, this is a great episode too.

I share the best ways to motivate your guests to show up, keep coming back each week, and how a theme can help ease the burden on you as you host regularly. Lots of great advice in this episode for those regular recurring open house style parties you may be thinking about hosting.

I love that this episode was all because someone asked a question. So if you have any burning questions, be sure to send me a message and I’ll tackle your hosting dilemma next!


Bingeing Segment

My sister-in-law and I gave each other the same gift for our most recent birthdays because we both kept seeing ads on Instagram for them. We’ve both used ours several times at various different parties. They work so well. Get yours here.


Don’t Forget!

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You can follow along for behind-the-scenes podcast content @thedailyhostess on Instagram.