Mar 31, 2016 | Housewarming, New House
It’s the day you’ve all been waiting for, it’s time for our new home tour! Everyone’s been asking to see pictures of the inside of our new house because I just keep teasing everyone with this picture of the outside. These are the pictures we...
Mar 8, 2016 | Housewarming, Travel
Well the day has come, whether we’re ready or not. It’s moving day! Time to put the last five years of our life into boxes and say good bye. It’s bittersweet, but now that the movers are here and we’re living out of suit cases, I’m...
Mar 3, 2016 | Baby Shower, Bachelorette, Breakfast, Recipes
Here’s the last post in the Bachelorette Series before I head out to attend a bachelorette weekend for my best friend this weekend! It’s going to be a really fun weekend, and weekends are synonymous with brunch, right?  Brunching is one of my favorite...
Mar 1, 2016 | Baby Shower, Party Decor, Recipes, Theme Parties
As you all know, we’re moving, really soon, like next week soon! Agghhhh! Cue the freaking out! Before we leave, we wanted to celebrate one last time with all the friends we’ve made over the past five years. Moving is also a great excuse to clean out...