Apr 28, 2016 | New House, One Room Challenge
Today’s post is getting out a little late due to the incoming rain and snow storm taking away all of the good light for photos. So I’ll apologize now for the dimly lit photos. This week’s One Room Challenge (click here to see Week 1, Week 2, and...
Apr 26, 2016 | Hosting Guests, Simple Celebrations
It’s almost the end of April already, and our forecast is looking like quite a lot of rain in the future. If it’s raining outside, why not make where it rains inside a little more festive? I’m talking about your showers! Here’s a quick and...
Apr 25, 2016 | Caught My Eye
Good morning, I hope you had a great weekend! Here’s another round of What Caught My Eye, it’s a random mix of party related and non party items that I’ve found really interesting lately. First, is this adorable little bottle of tonic water. It...
Apr 21, 2016 | One Room Challenge
One Room Challenge Week 3, already, geez! I guess I’m confident enough to say that we made a little progress this week in my shared office and playroom, but I’m feeling like things really need to get into over drive in order to be done on time. I do love...