Aug 30, 2016 | Housewarming, New House
It’s been five months since we’ve moved into our new house. We finally thought it was time to have a housewarming party. We’ve actually had a couple other smaller parties already but this one was focused just on our house. I wanted our home to show...
Aug 17, 2016 | Theme Parties, Wedding
As promised during last week’s Tablescape Tuesday, I’m here this week to fully recap one of the weddings we recently attended. My husband and I had the pleasure of being a guest at two weddings in one weekend! The second wedding we went to was a...
Aug 15, 2016 | Party Planning, Recipes, Rodan + Fields, Theme Parties
Do you have friends that are in Direct Sales? I’m sure you do. These days it seems everyone is trying to earn a little more, reach goals, and build an empire. Once I started in direct sales, I had a new appreciation for anyone else that is in direct sales. I...