Mar 30, 2020 | Birthdays, Kids
Read on for a full list of birthday ideas while social distancing. Make someone’s day special with these social distancing birthday ideas. There are so many things recently that have been cancelled that are just heartbreaking. Peoples weddings, graduations,...
Mar 27, 2020 | Kids, Party Plan Subscription, Spring
I hope you all are surviving, staying healthy, and staying home. I wanted to offer you something to keep you and your kids busy during April, because I’m thinking we’ll all still be stuck at home. With all of the homeschooling taking place, I keep looking...
Mar 16, 2020 | Birthdays, Gifts, Kids
How many kids parties have you been to where your kid gets a themed plastic bag filled with a bunch of cheap plastic toys that break or get lost almost immediately? Countless. Countless times we’ve gotten those party favor bags. I get so annoyed with them,...
Mar 9, 2020 | DIY, St. Patrick's Day, Theme Parties, Uncategorized
Read on for 7 ways to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at home. At home celebrations make the day fun without having to pay babysitters, fight crowds, or plan days in advance for your celebration. I’ve said it once (or a million times) and I’ll say it...