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Celebrate Easter with a Kid’s Craft

by | Apr 14, 2017 | DIY, Easter, Kid's Birthdays

Happy Good Friday!  If you haven’t gotten enough of Easter egg hunts, dyeing Easter eggs, or Easter baskets, then try giving this kids craft a try.  It’s super easy and doesn’t take long at all.

Easter kids craft, painted Easter eggs, simple kids craft, Easter egg banner.All you need to complete this craft is a few supplies:

  • An aluminum foil covered cookie sheet
  • Easter eggs cut out of paper
  • Paint
  • A shower squeegee

Easter kids craft, painted Easter eggs, simple kids craft, Easter egg banner.I know that a shower squeegee may sound weird but I promise it makes this craft fun, not messy, and kind of cool to see.  I first saw this craft on one of those Facebook videos that are always floating around my news feed.

So the first step is to put dots of paint onto your paper eggs.  I didn’t take a picture of that part, but just imagine paint polka dots.  I will say that you will need a hefty amount of paint to be able to spread out across the whole egg.

Then get your kids to help you run the shower squeegee from one side of the egg to the other, spreading out the paint dots.

Easter kids craft, painted Easter eggs, simple kids craft, Easter egg banner.As you run the squeegee across the egg, it spreads the paint out and lets it kind of run together.  It’s a great way to talk about how to mix colors with your kids if you want to turn this into a learning activity.  My daughter learned that mixing red and blue turned into purple.  She was pretty excited.

After all of your paint spreading you get some really fun, almost stained glass looking Easter eggs.

Easter kids craft, painted Easter eggs, simple kids craft, Easter egg banner.Easter kids craft, painted Easter eggs, simple kids craft, Easter egg banner.Once all of our eggs were painted I wanted to actually use them for something so I just punched some holes in them and strung them together to make a banner.  Of course I hung the banner on our mantle because I just love that thing and decorating it is basically my part-time job.

Easter kids craft, painted Easter eggs, simple kids craft, Easter egg banner.Easter kids craft, painted Easter eggs, simple kids craft, Easter egg banner.There are a ton of fun uses for these eggs though.  Use them as a place mat on the kids Easter table.  Or fold them to make an Easter card for someone special.

Wasn’t that a fun, easy craft?  Do you think you’ll give it a try this weekend?  If not, just change the shape of the paper for another holiday and follow the same method.  This may be kind of a regular craft around our house.

I hope you have a great Easter weekend and reflect on the reason for the holiday.  See you all again next week!



  1. Kerrie

    How colorful! This is a really cute idea.

    • dailyhostess

      Thanks! It was a hit with the kid too!


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