May 12, 2016 | One Room Challenge
Well, the time has finally already come for the big One Room Challenge reveal! Six weeks to transform one room, what an experience! I participated in the One Room Challenge to complete the office and playroom that my daughter and I share. It’s a space for her...
May 4, 2016 | One Room Challenge
It’s Week 5 of the One Room Challenge which means we are in the final stretches and probably have a lot to get done before the big reveal next week. Here’s hoping I can push through to the finish. If you’ve missed any of the previous weeks, see...
Apr 28, 2016 | New House, One Room Challenge
Today’s post is getting out a little late due to the incoming rain and snow storm taking away all of the good light for photos. So I’ll apologize now for the dimly lit photos. This week’s One Room Challenge (click here to see Week 1, Week 2, and...
Apr 21, 2016 | One Room Challenge
One Room Challenge Week 3, already, geez! I guess I’m confident enough to say that we made a little progress this week in my shared office and playroom, but I’m feeling like things really need to get into over drive in order to be done on time. I do love...
Apr 14, 2016 | One Room Challenge
It’s Week 2 of the One Room Challenge and I feel like I’m still in the making plans stage. I’m hoping to make a lot of headway over the weekend so hopefully next week’s update will be full of updates and progress. Today I’ll be showing...
Apr 7, 2016 | One Room Challenge
Today is the first week of the One Room Challenge, a six week series hosted by Linda at Calling It Home, where she selects 20 talented designers and bloggers and challenges them to transform a room in just six weeks. It’s crazy to see what happens over the...