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Christmas Cookie Exchange Printables
Fa la la la la la la la lots of cookies! Christmas is synonymous with baking, eating, and exchanging cookies isn’t it? I’m sure there are many a cookie exchanges planned that you are preparing for. To help you out I’ve created some super easy cookie exchange printables to go along with your favorite cookie recipe.
I’ve talked about how to host a cookie exchange before here. I think they’re a great way to find new recipes, try new cookies, and mix up the selection you have at home.
Now if you’re invited to a cookie exchange this season all you have to do is print out these tags and add them to your plate of cookies. Be sure to include the recipe so the other party guests will know how to recreate your favorite recipe.
Cookie Exchange Printables
These tags are great to tie onto a plate of cookies, but they are simple enough to use for gifts and presents under the tree too. Just click on the picture, download, print, and cut the tags out.
Do the same with the recipe cards below. These would also make a great gift if you wanted to do a cookie mix in a mason jar. Just attach the recipe to the mason jar full of cookie ingredients (only the dry ingredients) and deliver to friends and neighbors.
Need an even faster gift? Print the recipe cards out below and attach to a store bought cookie mix. Add a festive kitchen towel or mixing spoon and you can wrap all you need for this gift up at the grocery store.
Growing up I loved being in the kitchen making cookies with my mom. We usually did the standard chocolate chip cookie. We did it so much growing up that I have the recipe memorized and it only takes me a few minutes to whip up a batch of these cookies. This is a double edge sword though.
It’s great that I can quickly throw some cookies together, especially if I’m in a time crunch. But when I’m craving chocolate chip cookies, it’s almost too easy to make some and then they are too accessible around the house for munching.
Want to know my biggest piece of chocolate chip cookie baking advice? Buy this butter flavored Crisco to replace the butter in the recipe. It gives you perfectly chewy cookies. #nocrunchycookiesplease
What’s your go to Christmas cookie? Do you have any special cooking baking memories from growing up?

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I'm Amy, the Hostess here at The Daily Hostess and I want to encourage you to build community and connection through hosting in your home. Click below to learn more!
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