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DIY Spring Wreath with a Tutorial

by | Mar 21, 2017 | DIY, Spring

I know part of the country is still digging out from a blizzard, so sorry to brag.  It’s been 65-80 degrees in Denver for the past few days!  This weather is getting me sooooo ready for spring and summer.  With yesterday being the first day of Spring this week is all about spring. Hopefully these posts get you in the mood too!  First up is a DIY spring wreath.

I’ve realized that I didn’t have much spring decor, so I decided to use things I already had to try and make it springy around here.  I started with our front door.  Which thinking about it, is there a better place to start?  It’s the entry to your home and the first thing guests see when they arrive.

DIY Spring Burlap Wreath tutorial, decorate for spring, front door burlap wreath for spring. springLooking through my stash of goodies, I knew I had some wire wreath forms and burlap.  The perfect start to making a wreath.  I used this tutorial to help me make the base of my burlap wreath.

DIY Spring Burlap Wreath tutorial, decorate for spring, front door burlap wreath for spring. springA few pointers/opinions of this tutorial:

  • It definitely took way longer than 10 minutes
  • The twist method is great, but it didn’t hold much in place for me.  I had to twist and then wrap the burlap around the wire wreath form to get it to be secure.
  • I’m not sure how she was able to “cover” the wire wreath form so much.  Could be the burlap material she used.  It looked much more “bunchy” than the fabric I had.
  • This was a messy project!  I had burlap fibers everywhere!

Because I was using a large piece of burlap, I had to cut it into strips first.  Using a bunch of different strips meant I had to use a lot more wire to secure each strip to the wire wreath frame.  I also only had green floral wire, so it was a little tricky hiding all of that on the back side.

DIY Spring Burlap Wreath tutorial, decorate for spring, front door burlap wreath for spring.Here’s the final version of my wreath.  Not as pretty as the one in the tutorial, but I was happy with how it turned out.  Especially since I used some things that had just been sitting around, and it only cost me about an hour one morning this weekend. I made sure to trim off the excess burlap strings before putting it on my front door.

DIY Spring Burlap Wreath tutorial, decorate for spring, front door burlap wreath for spring.Now onto the spring portion of this wreath.  I wanted to decorate the wreath in light, bright colors and add a few things that would work with the season.  Blue satin ribbon was the perfect way to hang my wreath.  I also had a bunch of moss left over from making these moss balls, so I thought I could use that to make a little nest to add to the wreath.

A quick trip to Hobby Lobby, armed with my 40% off coupon, and I had exactly what I wanted to put in the nest.  How cute is this little gold bird?  It was originally an ornament, but I just clipped off the hanger part and hot glued it into my nest.

DIY Spring Burlap Wreath tutorial, decorate for spring, front door burlap wreath for spring.To make the nest, I used a small circular piece of cardboard and hot glued the heck out of the moss to get it to pile up and stay put.  Just arrange it to make it look like a nest.  In the words of The Nester, “it doesn’t have to be perfect, to be beautiful.”

DIY Spring Burlap Wreath tutorial, decorate for spring, front door burlap wreath for spring.After the nest was done, I hot glued it to the wreath in a spot that I felt needed to be covered up.  Find a spot where the burlap isn’t laying the way you’d like or you need to cover up some of the exposed wire.

Overall, I’m pretty happy with how the finished product looks.  And I love that it screams spring right when you walk in the front door!

DIY Spring Burlap Wreath tutorial, decorate for spring, front door burlap wreath for spring.DIY Spring Burlap Wreath tutorial, decorate for spring, front door burlap wreath for spring.Happy Spring everyone!  Be sure to come back this week to see the rest of the front porch for spring. Plus you won’t want to miss my spring home tour where I almost redecorated for about $100!



  1. Kerrie

    Love the wreath! And I really love that little gold bird. I love gold things… I am such a magpie.



  1. Spring Home Tour - The Daily Hostess - […] back to more spring inspiration this week.  Today, I’ll be taking you through the front door and on a…

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