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My Favorite Easter Brunch Recipes

by | Apr 5, 2017 | Breakfast, Bridal Shower, Recipes, Spring

There are a few time throughout the year where brunch is basically a necessity.  Mother’s Day, my birthday, bridal showers, and Easter.  These occasions are just synonomous with brunch in my opinion.  Today I want to give you a few of my favorite recipes that almost always show up on my brunch menu.

For the star of the show, I usually have a ham for Easter.  Ideally I like to purchase a Honey Baked Ham, but some years I drop the ball and don’t order it in time, or want to save a little money.  I’ve made this recipe from The Pioneer Woman a couple of times, and it turns out to be almost as good as a honey baked ham.

As a seasonal side dish, I love to have carrots at my Easter brunch.  It also doesn’t hurt that the Easter Bunny loves carrots!  This recipe from Anne Burrell on the Food Network has served me well.  The carrots are buttery and the thyme gives them a nice herby flavor that’s a little unexpected.  I also love to use the mini carrots and leave the tops on like in the picture.  They are just so cute on your table that way.

I haven’t made this salad before, but it looks absolutely amazing.  It’s full of seasonal favorites for Spring like asparagus and peas.  Plus if you put goat cheese on anything, I’m pretty sure I’m going to love it.  I’m definitely looking forward to making this salad all throughout the season.

For the past several Easters, and most growing up, I remember having coconut cake as dessert.  Maybe it’s because the coconut looks like a fluffy bunny?  My mom always used to make this cake with Jiffy white icing, but this recipe takes the cake and icing to a whole other level.

I love that the recipe uses a box cake mix, because let’s be real, that just makes life a little easier, right?  The additions to the box cake mix increase the coconut flavor and make it super moist.

Those are a few of my favorites that have been seen at my Easter brunches in the past and I plan on a few of them popping up this year too.  Here are a few other options that would make great brunch additions as well.

Brunch Menu Items

  • Breakfast Casserole I’ve made this casserole a few times lately and it’s super easy and delicious.
  • Deviled Eggs, I swore I’d never make them again after Easter a few years ago.  They are just too finnicky, especially if you can’t get your eggs to peel.
  • Waffles with whipped cream and this berry compote
  • Yogurt Parfait station, with fruit and granola.  It’s super easy, and kids love it!
  • Fruit Salad
  • Assorted pastries.  I always make a delicious Cream Cheese Bread recipe for Easter.  It’s one of my husband’s families recipes and it’s quite the process (I’m talking a few days), but so worth it.  Check my Instagram on Easter to get a sneak peak!

I hope some of these recipes make it onto your brunch table!  I’m getting excited for all the yumminess!  What days do you feel absolutely require a brunch?  It’s probably one of my favorite meals!



  1. Kerrie

    Mmmm. I love brunch. That cake is almost too gorgeous to eat! Almost…

    • dailyhostess

      Never! I’ll eat any cake no matter how pretty it is!


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