One Room Challenge Week 3, already, geez! I guess I’m confident enough to say that we made a little progress this week in my shared office and playroom, but I’m feeling like things really need to get into over drive in order to be done on time. I do love that Linda at Calling It Home posted in the guest participant rules that even if you end up with a room that’s not done but at least started then you’ve succeeded. There’s no pressure except my own to get this all completed.
Thanks to my husband we were able to get the TV mounted. I’m so grateful that our new house already has outlets on the walls where TVs are to be mounted. No more trying to hide cords hanging down from the TV, and thankfully all the places they put outlets make sense for where a TV should go. I’ve also gotten a couple diy projects done or almost done.
Here’s my completed fabric covered bulletin board. I used this tutorial from The Happy Housie to figure out how to cover it without taking it out of the frame. It’s not perfect, but I can deal with a few errant strings and extra hot glue in places, so don’t judge on the close up pictures.
First, I used some metallic craft paint to cover the generic pine frame. I used a small foam brush and put on about two coats. I’m pleased with how metallic it actually looks when the light hits it just right.
I didn’t care about getting paint on the cork part because I was just covering it up with fabric anyway. #packingpaperforthewinagain!
Next, I cut my fabric to the exact size of the cork board. Then I used Elmer’s spray adhesive on the cork part and on my fabric to adhere them together. Be sure to place your fabric right up against the bulletin board frame.
Then I got out my trusty hot glue gun and went to down hot gluing some hot pink ribbon around the edges of the frame, ensuring to cover any gaps between the fabric and the frame.
And here it is all finished. Remember, don’t judge my extra hot glue.
I was also able to get some of the art printed out and framed, however, I think I’m going to be spray painting the frames before all is said and done. Now that I’ve used gold on the bulletin board frame, I may not use the same color on the art frames. Decisions, decisions.
I used some gold glitter polka dot scrapbook paper as a matte and purchased the ABC, along with a 123 print from Etsy here. I was very impressed of the quality for the price. Again, I’m probably going to be spraying the frames. Since these will be going around the TV I think the black frames might be too much black next to the black TV.
I still have a ton of things to do to get this room done, and plan on accomplishing more this weekend. I finally decided on a craft storage piece. I just kept trolling Craigslist to find one that I think will fit the space. I found a great piece, but waited too long and it was sold before I contacted the seller. Now, I’ve found one that may work even better. The dimensions are a little bigger, but it has a fold out table that will be great when crafting, wrapping gifts, or if I just need to spread out a bit.
I’m planning on getting the storage piece this weekend, then I need to turn my attention to the pegboard, see it in my plans during Week 1, and I desperately need some extra lighting in the space. Now that we’re halfway done, I need to get my behind in gear and start crossing things off of my to do list! Be sure to follow along with all of the featured designers of the One Room Challenge, and all of the guest participants as well.
I’m also linked up to: Decor to Adore, Poofing the Pillows, At Home with Jemma, and White Spray Paint.
Love the corkboard! I actually used to do that in college, but I would fold the edges and hold the fabric to the board with pushpins. I couldn’t leave any damage because it was part of the desk. I would pick out a new fabric every year.
I love idea to cover the frayed edge with a ribbon. Looks great!
Thanks! That’s a great way to do a temporary covered board!
Love it! Such a cute idea! Now to find time to do this stuff!
Thanks! I’m so grateful for nap time to get things accomplished!
Welcome to Thoughts of Home on Thursday!
We are so glad you are here.
I love your corkboard!
White Spray Paint
Thanks, and thanks for hosting!
Your room is really coming along. What an absolute delight this post is!!! Thank you so very much for joining the gathering at Thoughts of Home on Thursday.
Thank you so much for hosting!
Yayyyy for DIY!!!
I love the bulletin board! Such a cute idea! And I love the pink and gold combo!
Thanks so much, I’m crazy for that color combo!
Really like the cork board idea, I’m pretty sure you did something like this for your College dorm room! But you are getting much better and showing a lot of talent… you know I’m a real sucker for the color Pink combo! Just an idea for the board, maybe large gold button like push pins…?!