Today’s post is getting out a little late due to the incoming rain and snow storm taking away all of the good light for photos. So I’ll apologize now for the dimly lit photos. This week’s One Room Challenge (click here to see Week 1, Week 2, and Week 3) is all about what I expect to be the workhorse of my shared office and playroom, my craft storage armoire.
I’ve been stalking and searching Craigslist for weeks trying to find the right size piece to fit in this room yet still provide enough storage for everything I need to cram in here. There were a few pieces I found previously that slipped through my fingers because I dragged my feet on contacting the sellers, but I think it worked out for the best. The piece that I finally settled on had the perfect amount of storage and it even includes a work table.
Because of the size of the armoire and the layout of the room I unfortunately had to lose the work table that my husband built me in college. That table has been through a lot; writing college papers, studying for finals, working with my then boyfriend (now husband) to stain it, using it for crafts, and it even served as our kitchen island in our last house. I’m pretty sad that I’m not going to be able to have it in this new office/playroom space.
Luckily though, I’ve got plenty of work space within my new armoire. I love all of the little areas to store things. This piece was originally used as a computer armoire, so the space for the computer tower and printer are perfect to store things like storage boxes and my sewing machine. I also love the color of the stain and think it adds a nice warmth to the room.
I do have a lot of organizational elements I need to incorporate into it still to keep all of my craft items tidy and easily accessible to accomplish whatever I’m working on at the time. I need to get new magazine holders because the moving company crushed mine in our latest move, I need to organize the endless rolls of ribbon I have, provide a dedicated space for my sewing machine (Which I still need to learn how to use. It would probably help if I took it out of the box.), and create a space to store and display tools so I can easily reach them. At the rate this One Room Challenge is going, the organizing part of this armoire may come at a later date.
I’ve also finally gotten some art framed and ready to go up on the wall surrounding the TV. I decided to go with white frames after initially thinking I’d paint them gold. I thought the art was already fairly busy and the gold frames might be a little too much. When all else fails use white spray paint. I did have one little set back, there are supposed to be four prints, but when I was trying to attach the mounting hardware to the back of the frame the pressure from the hammer cracked the frame into pieces. I had to go back to the store for another frame and repaint it. Basically, I should have just waited for my handy husband to help me attach the mounting hardware instead of trying to rush and get it done, lesson learned!
So far I’ve met several of my goals:
Mount the TV over her storage book shelf, for Elmo and Mickey watching of course- Add an art display area
Add some learning, educational, and inspirational art around the TV(Just have to hang it up)
- Maybe add a craft table if space allows (I don’t think this is going to fit, bummer. Maybe down the road as my daughter grows we can figure something out)
- Hang art and art display above kitchen set
Find a craft storage pieceMove desk and work table- Create pegboard storage and display above work table
- Add shelves, art, and storage above my desk
Add in pops of color with pillow fabric(Just need to put the insert into the pillow)- Add a fun lighting fixture for the room (this one may have to wait until we have more funds, plus we’re mostly in this room during the day and we typically get plenty of sun light)
- Add task lighting with lamps
Now that I’m looking at the list, there is still a lot to be done, yikes! I have several things that need to be hung up and shelves to be styled, so we may be in luck that it’s supposed to be rainy this weekend so we can stay inside and have a hanging up party!
What do you think of that armoire, pretty great right?! Keep me in your thoughts and prayers that I call pull this together over the next couple of weeks!
Also linked up to: Decor to Adore, Poofing the Pillows, At Home with Gemma, White Spray Paint
That armoire is a great find! That foldout table is so handy.
I was listening to a Freakonomics podcast this morning… It only takes 10,000 hours of dedicated practice to become an expert at something. Open up that sewing machine! 😉
Now if I could only find 10,000 hours! Loving the armoire!
It is unfortunate that we couldn’t find a way to keep the table in there for crafts, but in the absence of that table, I think the foldout in the armoire is going to work really well. I agree with Kerrie……let’s open up that sewing machine!
Thank you for sharing your ORC with us at TOHOT!
Thanks so much for hosting! Only two weeks to go!
I need this armoire!
Thank you for sharing this at TOHOT!
Isn’t it amazing! I’m pretty sure the people I bought it from built it, it’s so custom.
We used to have an armoire very similar to that! They are beautiful pieces of furniture and can serve so many purposes. Hang in there with your One Room Challenge…we love watching. 🙂
Happy TOHOT.
Thanks! The armoire is definitely versatile!