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5 Things to Do to be the Perfect Party Guest
As promised earlier this week, I’m back today with five tips to help you be the perfect party guest. So after this week, you’ll be the best hostess and guest with all of these tips. These aren’t ground breaking at all, but definitely things that bear repeating.
This is literally my biggest party pet peeve, maybe my biggest pet peeve of all. As a host, there is a lot of planning that takes place for any party, no matter the size. One of the biggest pieces of information you need to make all of your plans come together is to know the number of people attending your party.
If you as a guest don’t RSVP, your host may not make enough food, have enough drinks, or make a place for you at the table. Making your host jump through hoops to accommodate you is not very gracious. Plus, it’s pretty easy to RSVP. If you’re not sure you can attend, say so. Don’t make your host wonder whether you’re showing up. A simple, “I’ll try to attend, but may not be able to.” is completely sufficient.
2. Show up on Time
Another general pet peeve is being late. However, with parties, I would say that there is a bit of a grace period of about 10-15 minutes. If you as a guest plan to be much later than that send a quick message to the host to let them know you won’t be there on time. The host may be waiting for everyone to arrive before serving food or doing an activity, and keeping them waiting will totally throw off their plans.
3. Interact with the other party Guests
Parties are supposed to be a fun time surrounded by fun people. If you’re not interacting with other party guests, the party just won’t be any fun for you. Plus if you spend all of your time only interacting with the host you’ll be tying them up when they (according to Tuesday’s post) should be following up with all of their guests. Who knows maybe you’ll find something really interesting about one of the other guests and make a new friend, or a new work connection, or someone that enjoys your same hobby.
4. Don’t Overidulge
This may go without saying, but being the sloppy drunk at a party is not a good look. Be sure not to overindulge on either the drinks or on the food. Hosts usually make enough for everyone, but try to make sure everyone gets enough. Do that by not hoarding all of the snacks, appetizers, or other food for yourself.
If you do plan to drink, make sure to keep it classy and limit yourself to about two drinks. Especially if the party is associated with work or with an unfamiliar host or other guests. I do understand that there are some parties that are more acceptable to drink more. Try and keep those to Vegas and 30th birthdays! And always have a ride in place for after the party if you’ve been drinking. Ok, mom rant over, haha!
5. Offer to help with set-up or Clean-up
One of the most helpful things you can do as a party guest is to help the host with set-up or clean-up. I have a great friend who would always text on his way to our parties and ask if we needed anything. It was so nice to know I could have him get any last minute things (usually ice!) on his way so I wouldn’t have to leave the party. This is such an easy way to help set-up the party without actually being at the party venue before it starts.
Another great way to show your appreciation as a guest is to help the guest clean-up. Whether it be washing dishes, putting food away, or picking up the million and one toys that your child has strewn about the room it’s a big help. Hosting is a lot of cleaning and preparing, so not having as much to clean up afterwards is such a nice relief.
With all of the hostess tips from earlier this week and the tips today, you now know how to make your guests feel welcome and how to be the perfect party guest. Ready to host now? Or attend some holiday parties? I hope so, because you’re fully equipped.
I hope you have a great weekend and put these tips to use at your next holiday party. I’ll be attending a cookie exchange this weekend and am really looking forward to all of those yummy cookies!

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I'm Amy, the Hostess here at The Daily Hostess and I want to encourage you to build community and connection through hosting in your home. Click below to learn more!
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I find #4 very controversial. GIVE ME ALL THE APPETIZERS AND ALCOHOL.
Yeah, not everyone is going to follow the rules, but there has to be some right?