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5 Ways to Decorate Easter Eggs without Dye

by | Apr 12, 2017 | Easter, Spring

Well, if you are a fan of my Facebook page then you know that I had some camera issues over the weekend.  That has delayed some posts this week.  Thankfully, it wasn’t anything serious and now we’re back in business.

I don’t know about you, but last year was the first year I dyed Easter eggs with my daughter and to say I was nervous is an understatement.  We had just moved into our new house and the thought of colored dye getting on anything was terrifying.  Looking back at some pictures I’m very obviously grimacing in some photos.  If you feel the same way about egg dye, then today is perfect for you.  I’ll be giving you five alternatives to using that splashy egg dye.

I used similar eggs to these, and am absolutely in love!  Love the idea of not having to boil a bunch of eggs.  Love that they are recyclable, so we can just recycle them after Easter.  And love them because they are so easy to use for all of these alternative ideas.  I bought them after Easter last year at Wal-Mart for much cheaper than the Amazon price, so I recommend searching next week to see if you can find any at a discount.  I’ll definitely be looking for more this year.

Alternative Easter Eggs with Crayons

First up, using crayons or markers to draw on the eggs.  Super easy, and way less messy.  You probably already have crayons at home too.  It’s a fun activity for the kids to do on their own without much supervision.

Five ways to decorate Easter Eggs without dye, tissue paper eggs, glitter eggs, washi tape eggsFive ways to decorate Easter Eggs without dye, tissue paper eggs, glitter eggs, washi tape eggsAlternative Easter Eggs with Ribbon

Next up, using ribbon to decorate your Easter eggs.  I used two different kinds of ribbon and the blueish ribbon worked much better.  It’s more of a raffia material so I’d recommend that or twine to decorate your eggs this way.

Five ways to decorate Easter Eggs without dye, tissue paper eggs, glitter eggs, washi tape eggsAlternative Easter Eggs with Washi Tape

Similar to using stickers, using washi tape is a mess free way to decorate Easter eggs.  Using some spring colors they look just as fun as having used dye, but with more variety.  I will recommend putting the tape on in a vertical arrangement, like the gold egg, because it’s easier than having to work with the roundness of the egg.

Five ways to decorate Easter Eggs without dye, tissue paper eggs, glitter eggs, washi tape eggsAlternative Easter Eggs with Glitter

While this may not be any less messy, hello glitter everywhere, it’s one of the prettiest ways to decorate Easter eggs.  Full disclosure, I bought these eggs this way so I didn’t have to deal with the glitter mess.  However, it would be really easy to make them yourself by rolling eggs in glue then rolling them in glitter.  Maybe try tossing them in a sealed container with glitter to contain the mess.  Or you can just buy some here if you really like them.

Five ways to decorate Easter Eggs without dye, tissue paper eggs, glitter eggs, washi tape eggsAlternative Easter Eggs with Tissue Paper

This next way to decorate was by far my daughter’s favorite to help with.  She loves squeezing glue onto the eggs.  All you need is some Elmer’s glue and torn up tissue paper.  Simply squeeze glue onto the egg and press the tissue paper onto the egg.  It’s a super simply way of doing a paper mache egg.

Five ways to decorate Easter Eggs without dye, tissue paper eggs, glitter eggs, washi tape eggsFive ways to decorate Easter Eggs without dye, tissue paper eggs, glitter eggs, washi tape eggsFive ways to decorate Easter Eggs without dye, tissue paper eggs, glitter eggs, washi tape eggsThere you have it, five super simple ways to avoid the egg dye mess!  Doing some of these are just as fun for the kids and is a fun craft to do.

Five ways to decorate Easter Eggs without dye, tissue paper eggs, glitter eggs, washi tape eggsFive ways to decorate Easter Eggs without dye, tissue paper eggs, glitter eggs, washi tape eggsWhich is your favorite?



  1. Kerrie

    Love this idea! so much better than using real eggs. My favs are the glitter (obvi) and the tissue paper. Cute!

    Also love your new headshot pic. Looks great!

    • dailyhostess

      Thanks! Glad you noticed! Those glitter eggs are everything!


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