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Free Printable Watermelon Party Invitations

by | Aug 17, 2018 | Printables, Summer

I’m wrapping up this watermelon week with some super cute free printable invitations.  We talked so much about how to invite the neighbors over and enjoy the end of summer with watermelon here and here.

Now you have a formal way to invite them!  And by formal, I mean a printable invitation that isn’t formal at all.

I'm wrapping up this watermelon week with some super cute free printable invitations. We talked so much about how to invite the neighbors over and enjoy the end of summer with watermelon here and here. Now you have a formal way to invite them! And by formal, I mean a printable invitation that isn't formal at all. watermelon party ideas, watermelon themed party invitations, party invites, watermelon party ideasI love the cute watermelon seeds all over this invitation.  The fun colors make me excited and cheery.  All you have to do is click here or the picture above to download and print your own invitation.

Then just fill in the information of when and where your party is.  Circle whether it will be a day or night event and then deliver!  There are a few extra lines to include an RSVP, location, or any other information about the party.  Maybe you want your guests to bring a watermelon themed dish or drink?  Include it in the invitation.

This type of invitation takes me back to when I was a kid and buying invitations at the store where you can write in all of the party information.  Plus, I can’t tell you how many times lately I’ve printed off invitations or other things only to find typos after their printed.  It’s frustrating to have to reprint them.  With this invitation you won’t have to worry about that.

Giving your neighbors an actual printed invitation makes your party extra special.  Plus, how exciting is it to receive actual invitations vice another Facebook request for an event?  I think we’ve gotten away from mailing notes, invitations, and letters.  This watermelon party invite, or any party invite is a way to get back to that.

One good thing about inviting your neighbors over though is that you don’t have to spend money on a stamp.  Just deliver to their front door!

My goal with a lot of things here at The Daily Hostess is to give you ideas that are simple to implement, but make your party extra special.  Something your guests will remember.  Doing those small little touches make people feel special, loved, and cared for.  If they feel loved they’ll come back to celebrate with you again.  Or better yet, invite you to a celebration.  Celebrating with others is so much better than not celebrating at all.

Take it from me, being on a work trip without much work, and lots of down time by myself is pretty boring.  It always happens this way doesn’t it?  I get excited to be kid free, and then a couple days in to a trip and I miss them like crazy.

All of that to say that I think you should invite your neighbors over for a fun end of summer party.  Enjoy the time together, it will make up for those times when you’re by yourself on a work trip and tired of being alone.  And eating watermelon like this or this is yummy so you should share it with others.

Don’t forget to download the invitation here or click on the picture below to print it out.

I'm wrapping up this watermelon week with some super cute free printable invitations. We talked so much about how to invite the neighbors over and enjoy the end of summer with watermelon here and here. Now you have a formal way to invite them! And by formal, I mean a printable invitation that isn't formal at all. watermelon party ideas, watermelon themed party invitations, party invites, watermelon party ideas

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little watermelon series.  And I hope your end of summer is memorable and fun!  I’ll be back next week with some back to school organization that your kids will love!


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I'm Amy, the Hostess here at The Daily Hostess and I want to encourage you to build community and connection through hosting in your home.  Click below to learn more!

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