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Summertime Watermelon Cooler Recipe

by | Aug 13, 2018 | Recipes, Summer

As promised (several weeks ago) I have a great end of summer watermelon recipe for you.  In fact this entire week is going to be all about watermelons!

watermelon recipes, watermelon smoothie, summer watermelon ideas, watermelon cocktailI’ve taken a good chunk of time off from blogging to enjoy the end of summer because August is full of work trips, back to school, and getting back into our routine.  When is the end of summer for you?  I feel like it came way to early this year!

There’s no better way to celebrate one last hurrah than with having a fun watermelon party!  I’ll be sharing several recipes with you this week and a fun invitation to share with neighbors and friends for one last porch sitting party of the summer!

Watermelon is a quintessential summer fruit so it’s only fitting!  First up this week is a super easy recipe.  I actually got the idea from the cutest little girl that wants to have her own cooking show.

watermelon recipes, watermelon smoothie, summer watermelon ideas, watermelon cocktailYou can check out Zoe sharing this recipe on In Zoe’s Kitchen here. I found this recipe a few summers ago when I was pregnant and it was so refreshing, so I’ve been making them ever since.  Her mom blogs over at The Miller Five and is an amazing photographer!

Refreshing Watermelon Cooler Recipe

watermelon recipes, watermelon smoothie, summer watermelon ideas, watermelon cocktailHere are the ingredients you’ll need:

  • cubed watermelon
  • limes or lime juice
  • club soda

watermelon recipes, watermelon smoothie, summer watermelon ideas, watermelon cocktailTo make this refreshing drink:

  1. Combine watermelon and lime juice in a blender or food processor, I use an immersion blender.
  2. Once it turns to liquid, pour into a glass or pitcher
  3. Add club soda for a refreshing bubbly drink
  4. Add a lime or more watermelon to garnish
  5. Enjoy!

watermelon recipes, watermelon smoothie, summer watermelon ideas, watermelon cocktailIt’s a super easy recipe, but it’s very refreshing!  Perfect for one of those last hot days of summer.  Or to serve to friends at one more bar-b-que before everyone is back to school and in their routines.

watermelon recipes, watermelon smoothie, summer watermelon ideas, watermelon cocktail I will say that this recipe is almost smoothie like and you can’t let the drink sit too long or all of the watermelon settles to the bottom, but I doubt that will happen because it’s too good not to drink right away!

And if you have any leftover they make easy popsicles when you pour it into a popsicle mold.  Yet another way to stay cool on those dog days of summer.

Do you think you’ll give this recipe a try?  If so, be sure to tag me on Facebook or Instagram!



  1. Fresh and Fruity Summertime Watermelon Salsa - The Daily Hostess - […] the summer with the iconic summertime fruit, watermelon!  Earlier this week I shared a really easy watermelon drink recipe…
  2. Free Printable Watermelon Party Invitations - The Daily Hostess - […] talked so much about how to invite the neighbors over and enjoy the end of summer with watermelon here…
  3. At Home Cinco de Mayo Party - The Daily Hostess - […] Virgin Watermelon Slushies […]

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