Happy Holidays!  Is this year going to look a little differently than years past? Are you going to be spending the holidays separated from family because you’re travel is restricted or you are trying to stay home and keep others safe?  Then today’s podcast is for you!

As military families we have a lot of experience spending time, even at the holidays, away from our families.  If you’re not used to doing that, I know today’s podcast episode will give you so much encouragement this year.

I couldn’t think of anyone better than my good friend, and fellow military spouse, Devon McCuan to join me in this conversation.

Devon has spent the majority of her adult life separated from her family during the holidays, and the past five holiday seasons living overseas.

Devon gives us so many tangible ways to stay connected with our family even if we’re unable to be physically close to them.  She also shares ways to create new holiday traditions with your community of friends that become your family.

If you’ll be spending the holidays without your family in the traditional way you celebrate, this is a must listen episode!

Listen to the Episode Here

Spending the Holidays Separated from Family? Here’s how to stay connected!

We covered so many tangible ways to stay connected while separated from family this holiday season.  There are some really useful and easy ways included in the episode.

  • Living overseas for five years and separated from family at the holidays, Devon talks about how to absorb the culture and festivities of where you live during the holidays.
  • She also shares a memory of growing up in a military family that she has continued to make a tradition for her kids and family. I bet most of you also have a similar tradition.
  • Devon’s easy to implement tips for staying connected to family during the holidays were awesome.  I’ll be starting to include many of them for my own family.  She really encourages the use of technology to stay connected, but to do it in a smart way that includes your kids.
  • Again this episode the theme of being brave came up.  In this episode, Devon encourages you to be brave and invite that family or friend over to share in your holiday traditions if you can’t be with your own family.
  • Devon does such a good job at gifting her kids experiences and adventures for the holidays.  She shares so many ideas to include more experiences in your gifting as well.  Plus, how to encourage the rest of your family to join in too.  If you’re looking at ways to increase quality time with your kids making memories, be sure to listen to the episode. See if you can incorporate some of the things we talk about into your holiday gifting this year.

This was such a timely episode with the holidays coming up.  This year is so wacky, if you’re not sure how to navigate it without spending time with your family then take some encouragement from us who have a lot of experience doing so.

Links You Need

I’ll be taking a podcast break until after the New Year.  I’ll be spending time with my family and celebrating as best as we can with travel and gathering restrictions.

Next year will kick off with a bang and lots of new, helpful, encouraging episodes for you to build and connect with your community!

Don’t forget to give the podcast a 5 star rating and write a quick review.  It helps the podcast get in front of more people and we want to build our community!

You can also follow me on Instagram to see more behind the scenes peeks of the podcast.  Plus join our Facebook community to share your favorite part of each episode.

Happy Holidays again!  I may be done podcasting for the year but, I have some more Christmas content coming your way here on the blog.  So be sure to stick around to see that!