Do you ever fear hosting people in your home for a party or gathering because you’re worried your home won’t live up to some ideal standard?  Or do you not invite others because you don’t know how to cook or think your home is too messy?  Maybe a pursuit of perfection is holding you back from taking the leap and inviting others into your community.  If any of those reasons resonate with you then I encourage you to CLICK PLAY to hear really tangible ways to break through those fears and also several mindset shifts that will have you hosting in no time!

How to Get Over Your Fears of Hosting

In this week’s podcast episode I talk about four different fears that usually hold people back from inviting others in and building community with them.

Read on to see what they are and the tangible ways I offer to get over the fear of hosting.  There are also several mindset shifts that will make it much easier to get over the fear of hosting and help in other areas of your life as well.

But first, I talk about what I’m binge-ing this week.

What I’m Binge-ing

binge worthy, binge podcast episode, get over fear of hosting podcast episode

It’s no surprise that I’m binge-ing Hamilton on Disney+ this week.  But it is a surprise I haven’t binged it in past episodes.  I’ve been watching it and listening to the soundtrack non stop for the last month.

Are you also a super fan of the musical?  Have you seen it in person or had to wait until it was released to the broad population?

It just makes me want to get a group together and work towards a big scary goal, you know like a revolution!

Episode Show Notes

Like I said before this episode is about four fears that people typically have as the reason they don’t host people in their homes.

I hear them again and again on my Facebook page when I ask what stresses people out about hosting.  So here they are, and a few tips to get over them.

But listen to the episode to hear all of my ideas and mindset shifts.

Plus, I mention how fierce community is what we’re all after just like Kayty and I talked about in Episode 10.

Fear #1- My house is too small/not cute/doesn’t live up to some standard

Well with this fear, the biggest mindset shifts you can start working on is that comparison is the death of joy.  You are missing out on fun with friends and family because you’re comparing what you have to someone else.  Girl, stop that!

Plus, other people’s opinions of your house are none of your business.  Read that sentence again and then realize that worrying about someone else’s opinion is now one less thing to actually be worrying about.

Fear #2- My house is too messy or not clean enough

Sis, all of our houses are dirty and messy.  We’re living in them.  Lived in houses have messes.

My biggest piece of advice in getting on top of cleaning for a party is to focus your cleaning efforts on the main area your guests will be.  Do not, I repeat, you do not need to clean your whole house before hosting a party.

If you want more advice on cleaning your house and getting it ready for a party read about a quick cleaning method here.  And read how to have a party ready home all the time here.

Fear #3- I don’t know how to cook

So many tangible tips in this section of the podcast about how to have food without actually doing any of the cooking yourself.

Have you used any of these methods before when hosting?

Fear #4- It won’t be perfect

Perfection has become kind of a bad word for me.  I’m all about some mindset shifts that celebrate the progress over the perfection.  And getting things done is far better than waiting until they’re perfect.

Do you suffer from being a perfectionist?  Has it effected you when hosting people in your home?

8: Marcus Long

I also talk about imperfections making memories and you can hear some of my own party imperfections in Episode 8 of the podcast.

Connect with the Podcast

There are so many ways to connect with the podcast.  I hope you do after this episode so we can have a discussion about what fears you hold around hosting people.

Join the podcast Facebook group Conversation Connections and share your takeaways from this episode.

Follow me on Instagram @thedailyhostess and DM me your hosting fear.

Or leave a rating and review of the podcast and tell me what you do while listening.  It’s always interesting to hear what people are doing while talking all about parties and hosting.  I typically listen when I’m in the car.