Nov 16, 2021 | Christmas, Gifts, Uncategorized
Are you trying to get ahead of all the madness this holiday season? One of the ways to get ahead is to get all your gifts purchased and wrapped. I hope to help you with that today by sharing some great wrapping paper resources. I love a cohesive look of gifts under...
Jun 12, 2020 | Father's Day, Gifts
*Affiliate links are used throughout this post. At no cost to you, purchasing from this Father’s Day gift guide through one of my links will give The Daily Hostess a small commission. Thanks for supporting the blog! You know something I haven’t done in...
Apr 9, 2020 | Gifts, Printables
Read on for a bunch of great quarantine care package ideas to send to your friends or family. Or yourself, that’s always good too! There are affiliate links used in this post. At no charge to you I receive a small commission when you purchase through my...
Mar 16, 2020 | Birthdays, Gifts, Kids
How many kids parties have you been to where your kid gets a themed plastic bag filled with a bunch of cheap plastic toys that break or get lost almost immediately? Countless. Countless times we’ve gotten those party favor bags. I get so annoyed with them,...
Nov 21, 2019 | Christmas, Gifts, Printables
Who is getting so excited for Thanksgiving next week? If you still haven’t even thought about it, don’t forget I have you covered with this planning worksheet. But today we’re going to talk all about the things that happen after you stuff yourself...
Oct 11, 2019 | Birthdays, Gifts
Hey friends, I’m glad to be back with you today to talk all about birthdays! Specifically how to celebrate with themed birthday gift ideas each week all month long. I know that sounds like a LOT of gifts, but hear me out and you’ll be surprised that...